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Marvelous 71st Mid Atlantic Regional Conference Registration Committee Bling Name Badge

Order Deadline - Thursday, February 29, 2024 midnight

 All orders will be shipped to a single address. There will be no Proofs. Check your name(s). Soror will be automatically added to each name. 


1) Click the Badge to start your order

2) Enter your BILLING address and select YES when finished. This way you will not be charged for shipping.

3) Click continue to the Shopping Cart page, scroll all the way down and click submit. You do not have to have a PayPal account. All major credit cards are accepted.

 Payments using ZELLE  App: send to 

          a) Sent by : Your Name as it should appear on your badge

           b) Amount

           c) Memo: MARC Registration Committee

Send an email to, if you have multiple names with your ZELLE payment. List them in the email as they should appear on the badge.

In the email subject line put ZELLE MARC Registration Committee. A Paid invoice will be sent when we post.

Badges will not be delivered individually

Thank you Sorors!