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Phone OR Text : 336-986-1512




Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

  • Badge Timeframe

    - Within 24-48 hours of your Bling Name Badge purchase a proof of the badge will be emailed to you for you to review and approve. With approval and payment your badge is shipped within 6-8 business days. Group orders may take longer.

  • Custom Badges

    Custom badges are badges that require a special cutout or rhinestone pattern, not found in our regualr stock.

    The set up/design fee is $40.00. The final cost of the badge is determined after the pattern/design in created. The badge will cost $15.00 - $25.00.

  • Discounts

    Orders with 10 or more badges receive free shipping to the same U.S. address.
    Orders with 100 or more badges receive $1 off each badge.

  • How to be a Bling Girl

    - Please click the link here and fill out the Bling Girl form and we will advertise your business on our website and social media sites for FREE!

  • Is a PayPal account required?

    You do not have to have a PayPal account to pay for order, once at PayPal payment site click “pay with Debit or Credit card” button and this will allow you to process payment through site as a guest.

  • Logos for Badges

    Does it cost to add a logo?
    NO! Your Bling Name Badge is your number one most effective least expensive marketing tool and should display who you are and what you do.

    If you are uploading a logo for your Bling Name Badge® it is highly recommended that PDF,PNG, eps, or vector file formats are uploaded as these will print at highest quality. Jpeg and bitmap images are acceptable but if not great quality we will request higher resolution.

  • What can be imprinted onto the badge?

    Do you only create for certain companies?
    We create Bling Name Badges for everyone, the companies you see in the catalog are pictured as examples of our different styles and designs. You can simply select the style of your choice and upload the logo you would like for the badge as you place your order.